HHO, Water4Gas, Run your Car on Water! It's all over the Internet, but what's it all about?
HHO Gas, otherwise known as Brown's Gas, is a combination of hydrogen and oxygen that is produced by the process of electrolysis. In its simplest form, electrolysis consists of two pieces of conductive material, in this case, stainless steel submerged in water. An electrical current is added to the conductors, positive on one and negative on the other. This causes the hydrogen and oxygen atoms that make up the water molecules to split. The separated hydrogen and oxygen atoms float to the top in the form of bubbles. There are two hydrogen atoms to one oxygen atom, hence the name HHO.
This HHO gas is very combustible and makes an excellent fuel. When HHO is burned the only by-product is water. For cars and other internal combustion engines, HHO fuel is added to the air that is already being fed into the engine and acts as a fuel supplement.
The average internal combustion engine burns about 30% of its fuel at best. The rest is wasted and is left behind in the form of carbon deposits in the engine or it goes out of the exhaust and into our air as carbon emissions. The HHO gas helps to burn the gasoline more efficiently, resulting in almost 100% of the fuel actually being burned. That means better power and much cleaner emissions. And, since the gasoline is being burned more efficiently, less gas is needed, resulting in better mileage.
Another advantage of HHO helping to burn more of the gas, is that less carbon will form on your engine which means longer engine life and fewer oil changes.
One of the fears that people have when they hear the word "hydrogen" is that they don't want to be driving around with a so-called hydrogen bomb in their car. HHO gas is generated on-demand, which means the HHO gas is only being produced when the engine is running. The gas is never stored and there is no danger of an explosion.
HHO gas is an exciting fuel and people are just starting to realize its potential. It can be used right now as a clean fuel supplement to reduce our dependence on oil and to help clean up our air.
Only time will tell what other applications we can find for this amazing, abundant fuel. Do the world a favor and help spread the word about HHO.
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